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The lyre bard studied by Audrey Lecorgne and Julian Cuvilliez at the Brittany Archaeological Service / CC BY-SA PRIAE - Keravec L., 2018 via Wikimedia Commons
Call for Papers: Archaeo-Luthiery

Call for Papers: Archaeo-Luthiery

On the occasion of the 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, to be held from August 28 to 31 in Rome (Italy), a call for papers has been launched for a colloquium on the archaeo-violin making, or how to understand instruments from an archaeological point of view, from the Celts to the Middle Ages. Answer by February 4, 2024.

Tessons d'une amphore gallo-romaine © SPFER, mai 2021
Scientists and volunteers, a delicate balance

Scientists and volunteers, a delicate balance

These days, the term "volunteer" is regularly overused and thrown about. Before reflecting on the pros and cons of voluntary contributions to science, we must agree on its definition. Contrary to popular belief, volunteers are typically qualified in a particular area, in this case, research. They carry out their work without compensation, outside of, or on top of, their profession. So, what does it mean to be a volunteer archaeologist?

Excavation in Lleida, Spain
Amateur scientists, the unsung heroes of archaeology

Amateur scientists, the unsung heroes of archaeology

Amateur” may sound like a derogatory term, as it is generally associated with a lack of know-how. As a result, amateur scientists are often unfairly sidelined within the world of archaeological research, being held in low esteem or disdained. However, they play a key role and can make important discoveries. Let’s investigate who they are and why they should not be overlooked but instead included within the archaeological community.

A winning photograph from Wiki Loves Monuments
Wiki Loves Monuments: a contest for Archaeology

Wiki Loves Monuments: a contest for Archaeology

What if it were possible to contribute to archaeological research online without being an archaeology professional? It actually is, and in just a few clicks, thanks to the international photo contest Wiki Loves Monuments. Let’s take a closer look at this unique event, whose French edition is organized by the association Wikimedia France with the assistance of the archaeological association ArkeoTopia.