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Into the depths of Paris

Into the depths of Paris

Saturday the 24th and Saturday the 31st of January, members of Arkeotopia and other curious participants descended into the subterranean depths of Paris, with the objective of exploring the Capuchin quarry under Cochin Hospital.

The archaeologist Playmobil
In the news…

In the news…

The media are talking about us in the press, on television, on the radio and on the Internet. Take a look at some of the highlights for ArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology.

Logo membre de l'alliance pour la lecture
ArkeoTopia partners

ArkeoTopia partners

The quality of an action is measured by the number of partners an organization attracts. Despite its size, ArkeoTopia is proud to have interested a variety of organizations, large and small. A look back at the public and private organizations with which ArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology has worked or from which it has received financial and moral support.

You talk about us

You talk about us

Beneficiaries, members or individuals, it is still you who speak best about the actions of ArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology. Back to the opinions, reviews and anecdotes that make the arkeotopian community live with this section: "Here’s what you're saying about ArkeoTopia".