An association exists thanks to its members. However, we are most grateful to our generous donors and our numerous contributors for their tireless work.
We, as a result of this, want to express our sincere thanks to:
- The team of volunteers of ArkeoTopia for the translation of the website into American, the maintenance and development of the website itself, the management of social media, the research activity as well as their activity in favour of the other four pillars. It would be impossible to name the hundreds of people who have been involved within ArkeoTopia since its beginning or who are currently active, but we want to thank them for their interest and active presence
The Ministry for Culture and Communication for showing interest in ArkeoTopia’s mission in the Transmission of Knowledge and Cultural democratization through the payment of an operating grant, thus encouraging the association to continue its work.
- Maître Cécile Chassefeire (a lawyer specializing in Association and Foundation law) from Camino Avocats for her involvement and the time spent helping our association.
- Mr Jean-Claude Gransard for the interest-free loan that he granted to the association, thereby allowing the launch of ArkeoTopia and the start of its first activities.
Opale IT, which donated two computers, making it possible to put the first ArkeoTopia website online and to provide our volunteers with a Mac environment to work in.
- Ms Carol Osborne (a freelance translator) for the quality of her service and the time spent translating a large number of articles from the ArkeoTopia website, the association’s research articles published in peer-reviewed journals, and the emails addressed to our English-speaking colleagues.
The firm MG Consultants for their donation of a video-projector, thanks to which we have been able to develop our training, and which temporarily grants us the use of a room.
- Mr. Henri Mugni for the gift of 500 pens and 20 t-shirts branded with ArkéoTopia.
The association RAMAGE for free access to their Internet terminal in the Jean Nicot room (75007) that they have set up.
- Mr. Mohamed Idrissi for providing the translation of some articles on the ArkeoTopia website.
The content management system Joomla! thanks to which the website is currently running.
Mission Aventure – The Wall of Acknowledgements We want to acknowledge our gratitude to all the volunteers who supported the crowd-funding of May 2018 on Dartagnans, as well as those who joined us later on. Let the mention of their names show our gratitude for their support.