ArkeoTopia: a guide for your studies

by | Feb 14, 2017 | Orientation

You are a student in secondary or higher education and you would like to make your way through the jungle of careers and studies that go with them. ArkeoTopia® can be the guide which won’t drive you crazy.

High school student discovering careers and studies in 2008 at ParisNew careers regularly come into being, leading to new courses or major modifications and this requiring knowledge about how to rapidly make enquiries into getting the degree you want. Archaeology, art history and tourism courses are not an exception to this rule with the development of preventative archaeology and the arrival of professional Masters degrees, the current development of activity leader careers, or even within tourism the merging of four separate guide careers into one single one with the title ‘Guide-conferencier’.

Knowing how to find your way, a stage-by-stage learning process

Up to Fifteen Years Old

Since 2005, more and more schools are offering real professional orientation through a Professional Discovery option [in French], as well as a 10-day long work experience. Going beyond the threshold of discovering the world of work through immersion, students are presented with the opportunity to meet professionals from different horizons and in this way to choose a career more easily and consequently decide what studies to follow, be it in France, in Europe or further afield. At this stage, ArkeoTopia offers its services to interested institutions to speak in the classroom at as part of the Professional Discovery option in order to present the career of archaeologist, and in particular to present the pathways to studies in archaeology, art history and tourism. Moreover, other than individual interviews with pupils, ArkeoTopia can take on a student for work experience to introduce the world of work.

After Fifteen Years Old

After fifteen, there is little time to pursue career orientation. However, the end of secondary school often comes sooner than expected and rather than making a real mature decision, students let themselves be guided by general habit into one of the various higher education options. However, during this period of European expansion, continuing studies abroad could be more advantageous. Although tools exist to prepare for higher education, like the site [in French], these are restricted to France and are not specialized. At this stage, ArkeoTopia offers its services to interested scholars who want personnalized advises regarding the career you want to do (archaeology, art history, tourism or mediation) in France or abroad.

In Higher Education

You made it. You’re a student. No more need to look into careers, you only have to get the best results and you will certainly find a job. Today, things are no longer so simple, particularly for careers in archaeology, art history, tourism and activity leaders and students continuing their studies in university. Despite the boom generated by preventative archaeology, generally speaking 13% of university graduates are still hunting for a first job two years after having graduated compared with 6% of graduates from specialized engineering institutions 1. Pursuing part of your studies abroad, knowing how to find your way within a field of expertise, getting involved in associations within your field, and having experience to show your future employer can make the difference to your professional integration, which will definitely happen. ArkeoTopia follows you and advises about how to become the researchers, teachers, activity leaders, journalists, experts etc. of tomorrow.

Knowing how to find your way amounts to preparing your own life.

If cinema heroes like Indiana Jones or Benjamin Gates got you interested in a career in archaeology, come and talk with us to discover what is really hiding behind cinematographic fantasies.

All too often, archaeology or art history studies are summed up as careers in research and teaching and those related to activity leading are devalued. Whether it be in France or anywhere else in the world, these pathways offer much greater possibilities within journalism, the tourism profession, expertise, police scientific services… They also offer personal fulfillment adapted to who you are. Do not pass your life by. Sometimes reality is even more beautiful than fiction with the condition of having a good guide to know how to position yourself when exploring the jungle that is courses and professions.

With whom?

ArkeoTopia: an alternative approach to archaeology is a non-profit organization created in 2007 under the French law of 1901, made up of students and instructors in archaeology / art history and career guidance specialists.


You are a teacher, contact us:
-for our classroom Personal Discovery interventions
-about our career discovery activities
-about the possibility of work experience for 14- and 15-year olds (3ème)
-our linguistic study holidays

You are a student in secondary or higher education, contact us:
-for individual interviews (career orientation/re-orientation, choice of a course abroad) in Paris or remotely via Skype
-about the possibility of work experience for 14- and 15-year olds (3ème)

ArkeoTopia’s approach to help you to manage to pursue studies which match your professional choices involves making mobility within Europe2 and abroad easier, introducing future professionals to each other and inviting you to discover different careers.

Because a job is much more than an educational path, contact us, or by telephone +33 6 22 03 32 33

1 – Source: Insertion professionnelle des jeunes diplômés – APEC, December 2011.
2 In this respect, ArkeoTopia the French representative for Studying Archaeology in Europe, whose objective is to facilitate archaeology and art history students’ mobility within Europe.