ArkeoTopia exhibits

by | Feb 14, 2017 | Association life

Paris blocked by the strikes did not prevent the public, facing the cold of the immense structure sheltering the 6th Forum of Associations of Paris at the Champ de Mars, to visit the Culture Village where ArkeoTopia stand was located.

Not less than around hundred people stopped and asked for information, intrigued and interested by this new concept and the possibility of satisfying their curiosity of impassioned amateurs of archaeology.

Ten of them looked for information about ArkaeoCenter education, and all await impatiently the first “ArkeoTopia archaeological coffee” in December.

Nearly thirty visitors asked to regularly receive information and be informed about current events of the association. Thus, for its 2nd public manifestation,, after the European Night of the Researchers in September, ArkeoTopia has already made a name.

Many contacts were made in particular with the CIDJ and the AFIJ. The two cofounders were also interviewed by a journalist of the blog of the Forum, article which you can find on line, under the title “archaeology accessible to anybody” in the category “miscalleneous”.

Jean-Olivier Gransard-Desmond and Chris Esnault, founders of ArkeoTopia,
on their stand in Culture Village