ArkeoTopia partners

by | Aug 22, 2009 | Notoriety

The quality of an action is measured by the number of partners an organization attracts. Despite its size, ArkeoTopia is proud to have interested a variety of organizations, large and small. A look back at the public and private organizations with which ArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology has worked or from which it has received financial and moral support.

Our partners

Logo membre de l'alliance pour la lectureThe Alliance for Reading is a collective of 70 structures from the cultural, social, educational and anti-poverty fields that encourages volunteerism, public generosity, sharing and new commitments for the future in favor of practical actions for people who do not have access to reading. On November 24, 2021, the French Prime Minister awarded the alliance the label Great National Cause 2021-2022 dedicated to “reading as a factor of social inclusion”. The alliance became a non-profit organization on March 9, 2022 –
Because there can be no scientists, and therefore archaeologists, without learning to read, ArkeoTopia supports the actions of the alliance and was officially received as an associate member in April 2022 for its actions in favor of reading (resources such as those of Augustin’s World, events such as #JeLisArchéo, promotion of reading such as its participation in the Reading aloud entry on Wikipedia, etc).

Logo Games for citizens - IkigaiGames for Citizens, an association which hosted the Ikigai consortium since May 2020, an edutainment video game portal for high school and university institutions. The association benefits from the support of the Ministry of Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (Higher Education and Research) as well as the Ministry of Éducation Nationale (National Education). The consortium aims to be the benchmark entry point for high-quality edutainment content that meets the expectations from high school to university students through its free games
ArkeoTopia supports the actions of the association and has been an official partner since June 2021. ArkeoTopia has got a seat ton the Board and to the Scientific Council in order to brings its skills and expertise in archaeological research, in archaeological edutainment and in game design/creation.

Logo Wikimédia FranceWikimédia France, the French association which works for the free sharing of knowledge through Wikimedia galaxy (Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikimedia commons, Wikidata, etc… ), or through actions led by the association involving its own members and volunteer workers like Wiki loves Monuments or Wiki Loves
ArkeoTopia supports the actions of the association and became in June 2016, official partner of the association in order to provide its skills and expertise in relation to heritage, science and education in the field of archaeology in exchange for logistics and human support.

Logo Bibliothèque Saint SimonSaint-Simon library, public library of the 7th district of Paris, whose collection is oriented towards both children and adults. Since March 2011 to June 2020, ArkeoTopia has conducted workshops for young people and held conferences at the Saint-Simon library of the 7th. This partnership was an opportunity for wonderful events such as the Detective novel and archaeology exhibition about the character Guy Marais through his comic version and the participative workshop Wikipedia and Science for the Numok festival – To follow the activities of Saint-Simon library, see its page

Ministry of Culture and Communication logo

They trusted us

The Ministry of Culture and Communication through its interest in the approach of AkeoTopia in the field of knowledge transfer and cultural democratisation, formalised by financial support encouraging the association to continue its work —

City of Paris official logoThe City of Paris in the scientific and cultural activities it held in Parisian schools from 2013 to 2018 as part of after-school planned time (APT) – learn more with the article “The Organization of Educational Rhythms, a different learning time from school in France” —

Nature & découvertes official logoThe Nature & Découvertes shops for our leisure activities organisation actions held at individuals’ homes from June 2016 to June 2020 as part of birthdays proposed on the Nature & Discoveries network with Conquering

Southern Province official logo The Southern Province (New-Caledonia) through its support to the Adventure mission led by ArkeoTopia and Fortunes de Mer Calédoniennes in the field of Archaeological research and promotion of the New Caledonian heritage, facilitating the relations with Isle of Pines customary authorities, and granting the authorisations needed for the smooth running of the prospecting campaign and mission surveys —

Gabriel Fauré School Complex of Paris official logoThe Gabriel Fauré School Complex of Paris, and particularly its middle school through its support and for conducting the A class in Dublin project (English course focusing on archaeology together with the technology teacher, exhibition tour and language study holiday in Ireland) led by the English teacher Ms Nabila Souaber during the 2011-2012 school year — Gabriel Fauré School Complex of Paris

National History of the Prehistoric Man official logoThe National History of the Prehistoric Man Department (UMR 7194) and Associate Professor Érik Gonthier of the National Museum of Natural History by supporting ArkeoTopia’s publication and dissemination of the archaeological research works as well as for training students in their second year of the master’s degree program “Mineral and Osteologic Collections in the Human Sciences” —

History and Archaeology Museum of Nuits-Saint-Georges official logoThe History and Archaeology Museum of Nuits-Saint-Georges through the implementation of science workshops from museum collections coming mainly from discoveries made at the Bolards site, and from teachers’ needs, intended for students — official website of the History and Archaeology Museum of Nuits-Saint-Georges

Archéologia magazine official logoArchéologia magazine, which deals with archaeological news, presents, each month, the last archaeological discoveries, files, reports, exhibitions, colloquiums and not-to-be-missed books thanks to a worldwide network of specialists for the writing of institutional and research articles —