The corner of future archaeologists

by | May 27, 2008 | Augustin's World

If you are 5 to 15 years old, discover archeology and human civilizations with the universe of the World of Augustine in the company of the Augustine of your age. Join his friends Octave, Manon, Alex and Lisa for a journey into archaeology like you’ve never experienced it before.

The corner of future archaeologists

Augustin, the young archaeologistAugustin, the young archaeologistIn this section, you will find resources on archeology from the World of Augustine and ArkeoTopia according to your age:

You are between 13 and 15 years old

Novels, discovery book and goodies

My Archaeology Book cover for 8/15 y/oCouverture du roman archéologique Panique au châteauDiscover the archaeological adventures of Augustin’s gang. Augustin the scientist, with his friends Octave the poet and Manon the engineer, meet with surprising adventures and when Alex and Lisa, the archaeologists, get involved, you’re in for fun discovering all the stages you go through to become a budding archaeologist:

The details of remains, photos, clues and information on the different stages in My archeology book 8-15 years old are accessible on the page Pedagogy – Resources for My archeology book and the list of animal names to better understand their meanings is accessible on the Animals page of My archaeology book.

Do you want to know more about Augustin’s life? Take a tour of the french website of his creator, Christiane Angibous-Esnault to learn how he was born, what he likes and doesn’t like. A spur to invent your own stories.

If you like to read and to have a good time with your friends, here you can indulge your two favorite activities with Fairies versus the facts, from reading to the theater. It’s a fictorial (a short fictional film that serves as a tutorial). It will allow you to transform your book into a play while initiating you in scientific culture through archeology. Super, isn’t it?

And to continue the adventure in an awesome way, check out the goodies from World of Augustine:

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Petit temple de Qasr-Qarun au Fayoum © Radigue, 2020How do you become an archaeologist?

This is a question that comes up frequently. So Augustin’s mentor, Dr. Gransard-Desmond, decided to create a training section on this site with a few ideas and especially the article ArkeoTopia – a compass for your studies. If you want to know more, here are the latest articles on the subject:

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To become an archaeologist, you have to build up a good media library, so his mentor has also produced a critical bibliography of books and other useful media for young people.

Archeology resources

At ArkeoTopia, we regularly create free edutainment resources around archeology, cultural heritage and science through discussions with young people of your age. You can get an overview on:

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You can follow our press review dedicated to archeology news, cultural heritage and scientific education. Here are our latest articles from critics and press reviews:

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And let’s not forget the information and input from our friends that we circulate on Augustin’s social networks:

Tête d'Augustin 11 anslogo InstagramTwitter White On Bluelogo Facebook

Join the club of junior archaeologists at ArkeoTopia

So if you too want to help popularize science while learning more and being first to get news of upcoming events or resources, join the junior archaeologists club by choosing to join the ArkeoTopia association.

You are between 8 and 13 years old

Novels, discovery book and goodies

My Archaeology Book cover for 8/15 y/oCouverture du roman archéologique Panique au châteauDiscover the archaeological adventures of Augustin’s gang. With his friends Octave the poet and Manon the engineer, Augustin the scientist enjoy surprising adventures and when Alex and Lisa, the archaeologists, get involved, you’ll have fun as you go through all the stages of how to become a budding archaeologist:

Details of the remains, photos, clues and information on the different sections of My 8-15 year old archeology notebook are available on the page Pedagogy – Resources for My archeology notebook while the list of animal names to better understand their the meaning is accessible on the Animals page of My archaeology notebook.

Do you want to know more about Augustine’s life? Take a look at the site of his creator Christiane Angibous-Esnault and learn how he was born, what he likes and dislikes. A spur to invent your own stories.

If you like to read and have a good time with your friends, you can combine your two favorite activities with Fairies against facts, from reading to the theater. It’s a fictorial (a short fictional film that serves as a tutorial). It will let you transform your book into a play while initiating you to inscientific culture through archeology. Super, isn’t it?

And to continue the adventure in an awesome way, check out the goodies from World of Augustine:

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Archeology resources

At ArkeoTopia, we regularly draw on discussions with young people of your age to create free edutainment resources around archeology, cultural heritage and science. And you need to build up a good media library to become an archaeologist, we offer you a critical bibliography of books and other useful media to learn all about about archeology. You can get an overview on:

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If you like jokes and riddles, take a look at the Humor page of budding archaeologists. You’ll have a good time and impress your friends. If you want to go even further with them, share our views on books, exhibitions and new archaeological discoveries in France and in the world by following our press review :

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Not to forget the information and messages from our friends that we add onto Augustin’s social media :

Tête d'Augustin 11 anslogo InstagramTwitter White On Bluelogo Facebook

You are between 5 and 8 years old

Discovery notebook and goodies

My Archaeology Book cover for 5/8 y/oMy Archaeology Book, Step 5.4 about land-based excavationDiscover the archaeological adventures of Augustin’s gang. With his friends Alex and Lisa the archaeologists, Augustin, the scientist, will take you into the wonderful world of archaeological research:

Find examples of coloring, clues to have fun learning to observe like an archaeologist and also additional information and photographs on the remains highlighted in the different stages of My archeology notebook 5-8 years on the page Pedagogy – Resources for My Archeology Notebook. If you want to know why the author of this discovery notebook chose the animals in My Archeology Notebook, then discover their names on the Animals page of My Archeology Notebook.

And to learn more about Augustin’s life, visit the french website of his creator Christiane Angibous-Esnault. You will learn how he was born, what he likes and what he doesn’t like.

And to continue the adventure in an awesome way, display one of the wonderful goodies from World of Augustine:

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Archeology resources

With Augustin, his friends and young people your age, ArkeoTopia regularly creates free edutainment resources around archeology, cultural heritage and science:

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This is how Augustin’s mentor, Dr. Gransard-Desmond, created a fictorial for children who don’t like reading while showing those who like to read how reading can become a game to play with ones friends. A fictorial is a short fictional film that serves as a tutorial. So, with Fairies against facts, from reading to the theater, you can have fun with your friends around reading and scientific culture (from 7 years old).

If you like jokes and riddles, you should like the Humor of Budding Archaeologists page. You’ll impress your friends and have good fun with them (from 6/7 years old). With the critical bibliography of books and other useful media for youngsters, ArkeoTopia allows you to find books of your age that will help you familiarize yourself with scientific culture and the cultural heritage of both France and the world. Our youngsters’ press review will help you go further by accessing reviews and news adapted to the young :

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If you too want to participate in the creation of edutainment resources around archeology, cultural heritage and science then, do not hesitate to contribute coloring, drawings, photographs, jokes on archeology and more with Augustin who will be delighted to share them on his social networks:

Tête d'Augustin 7 ansTwitter White On Bluelogo Facebook

You can also write to him and his friends Alex and Lisa, the archaeologists, using the contact form on our website.