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European Fund, portail de bourses d'études
European-funding-guide.eu, a web portal to help finance your education

European-funding-guide.eu, a web portal to help finance your education

A new platform financed by the European Union gives students access to 450 million euros in unclaimed grants and scholarships. European-funding-guide.eu is a European platform for students who are seeking financing for their studies, or just advice on how to finance their education. An additional and complementary resource is Study in a foreign country.

Défendons la liberté de l'esprit critique
And what about critical thinking!

And what about critical thinking!

On Wednesday 7th January 2015, France is plunged into mourning by a dramatic event. A group of fanatics massacred Charlie Hebdo’s editing team as a way to avenge the Prophet Mahomet’s honour. A wave of support unfurled in the name of freedom, promoted by artists and journalists from the entire world.

Nephrite Scabbard Slide - © E. Strack
Chinese nephrite distribution in Europe

Chinese nephrite distribution in Europe

Following the discovering of a complete heavy ormamental set of an equestrian warrior from a rich Thracian necropolis at Chatalka in the Stara Zagora region (Bulgaria), É. Gonthier, R. I. Kostov and E. Strack present "A Han-dated ‘hydra’-type nephrite scabbard slide found in Chatalka (Bulgaria): the earliest and most distant example of Chinese nephrite distribution in Europe".

Après la reprise des documents de fouille d'André Parrot, Jean-Claude Margueron présente les résultats issus de ses analyses
Is it possible to improve the analysis of an archaeological dig without being the one digging?

Is it possible to improve the analysis of an archaeological dig without being the one digging?

Does archaeological research only consist in digging? Asking this is to risk getting involved in a sensitive subject which always divides the archaeological scientific community, between the old school ones and the ones from mediation theory. On February 22, 2014, Prof. Margueron reopened the debate that led to the article of Dr. Gransard-Desmond: "Is it possible to improve the analysis of an archaeological dig without being the one digging?".

Logo du site Etudions à l'étranger
“Étudions à l’étranger”, an essential source of information for studying abroad

“Étudions à l’étranger”, an essential source of information for studying abroad

Created in 2010 on the initiative of Jean-Baptiste Charnet, Étudions à l’étranger – Study abroad in English – is a French website dedicated to students eager to study abroad any subject, from high school to post-graduate level. It is aimed both at students wishing to take part in exchange or partner programs and at those applying independently.