Augustin’s World

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Augustin's World
Cover thumbnail of the novel Panic at the castle
Tip for an aspiring archaeologist, the word hunt

Tip for an aspiring archaeologist, the word hunt

Cover thumbnail of the novel Panic at the castleOoh there! There are sometimes overly complicated words in Augustin's stories! Do not panic. The best thing is to organize yourself like Augustin and his friends. Every good scientist needs to write often, whether it is to keep a memory of a great idea or to gather information about the remains that he or she finds and even to go back on learned words. The Word Hunt is a game that will allow children to do as archaeologists do.
Ready for the Word Hunt? Let us get technical!

Augustin's World
A welcome from Augustin and his animals friends
Animals from My Archaeology Book

Animals from My Archaeology Book

A welcome from Augustin and his animals friendsIn my My Archaeology Book, there are many animals which accompany Augustin and his archaeologist friends Alex and Lisa. Unveil the secrets of the animals from My Archaeology Book for children from 5 to 16 years old, thanks to this page in which you will find a list presenting the animals, their names and their function.