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Book reviews
Review - Pétrequin and the Prehistory of the Jura and Neolithic Europe in 100 key words, 2021
Review – 100 key words on Neolithic Europe

Review – 100 key words on Neolithic Europe

The richly documented and illustrated work La Préhistoire du Jura et l'Europe néolithique en 100 mots-clés (Prehistory of the Jura and Neolithic Europe in 100 key words) by Pierre and Anne-Marie Pétrequin , published by Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté in the Cahiers de la MSHE Claude Nicolas Ledoux collection, takes a look back on forty-five years of archaeological research in the Jura. With this general survey published in June 2021, readers can retrace the history of the first farmers between 5300 and 2400 BCE.