For companies

by | Nov 9, 2020 | Resources according to your profile

ArkéoTopia® / Company Partnerships

If you are part of an employee representative committee, a Communications department or a company manager, if you’re interested in projects concerning social causes, culture, education, science or the environment, or if you simply wish to promote or liven up your business, ArkéoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology is the partner you need.

The page at a glance:

  1. Enliven your company in person or remotely
    1. Discover our free resources  
    2. Propose conferences
    3. Propose guided visits
    4. Propose a meeting with a specialist
    5. Benefit from our spin-off products
    6. Surprise your network  
  2. Promote your brand and create customer loyalty
    1. Choose a micro-donation solution  
    2. Transform customer perks into donations
    3. Crowdfunding: let’s build a project together  
    4. Promote your brand differently
  3. Invest in the future
  4. ArkéoTopia and the business world

We propose projects to companies that support the humanist values of the association and are committed to respecting the Other, to the protection of cultural patrimony, to the development of science education, to the development of scientific research itself and to the awareness of sustainable development. These projects can be realized in person within your company or in remote fashion.

Enliven your company, in person or remotely

Discover our free resources

Animer votre société avec les ressources d'ArkéoTopia / Tawakkol Karman's megaphone CC BY-SA RhododendritesAdd a touch of culture and science to your internal communication. You can freely use the  archaeology press review page published on our website (archaeology news, book reviews, expositions, news from our partners, etc.) while respecting the terms of the free license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0:

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You can also share the content of our social media:

Don’t hesitate to use our critical bibliography intended for both families and anyone wishing to explore archaeology.

Propose conferences

Mosaïque de l'Académie de Platon sur le sol de la Villa T. Siminius Stephanus à Pompéï / CC0 Jebulon, 2015Share the discovery of Human History through its artistic production and techniques with ArkeoTopia Conferences. Bringing together what is scattered in the name of Patrimony, Art History, science and techniques, Ethnology, History, and Archaeology, our conferences will take you across time and space during 1 hour with your specialized but accessible guides. Listen and reflect in order to better collaborate with your speaker and then exchange during fifteen minutes in a friendly, conversational manner.

Conferences in person are organized either outside or in the company. Visio-conferences are held using our virtual platform or your own.

Discover our latest themes:

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Guided VisitsArkéOdyssée logo

Combining knowledge and pleasure, our ArkaeOdyssey guided visits will take your collaborators off the beaten path to discover sites charged with History and stories: patrimonies maintained by associations of communities, private and public museums, private collections… will allow you to discover cultural patrimony and to gain a new perspective on archaeological research.

Les carrières de Paris © ArkéoTopiaDiscover our latest sites to visit:

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While in-person visits are mainly in the Paris region, these and many others can take place remotely, with commentaries, photos, videos, deciphering and interactive exchanges. We have mastered these virtual meetings.

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Propose an encounter with a specialist

Rencontre à distance / CC BY-SA 4.0 内閣官房内閣広報室, 2020Meeting an archaeologist, an iconographer, or an explorer is a dream? During a time we select together, between 30 minutes and 1 hour, our speakers will lead you down paths that bring together their work and scientific research.

The subject of the meeting is determined together in order to meet both the needs of your company and the capacities of our association.

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Benefit from our spin-off products

Casquette ArkéoTopiaDiscovering the Augustin's World

Offer your partners the opportunity of unique encounters through the ArkéoTopia online store:

  • exchange with youth author during a session dedicated to the “World of Augustin” universe
  • exchange with an archaeologist in a pop-up store event benefiting a social cause defended by ArkéoTopia

These meetings can take place within your company or be constructed to take place remotely.  

Discover our products in the Shop page or take a quick look at our latest productions below:

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FdM SimplonEnFetes01Surprise your network

We provide other events upon request such as concerts with archeological themes, archaeology and cultural patrimony-themed board games. You can have a look at past events rubrique Popularization page or by taking a look at our latest events:

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Promote your brand and build customer loyalty

Choose the cause you wish to support within your company with ArkéoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology.

We defend and support projects related to:

  1. social projects encouraging the respect of the Other,
  2. culture supporting cultural patrimony and against the trafficking of antiquities,  
  3. science education encouraging awareness of scientific culture among young people,
  4. science encouraging archaeological research,
  5. the environment, encouraging awareness of sustainable development.  

Learn about out latest projects and articles about our social defense actions:

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The following are examples of projects that we could undertake together.

Establish a collection point

Don BoiteDeDonDon BorneDeDon

Show your clients or service users that you are taking action on issues facing society by establishing a collection point or a donation box.

At a strategic point chosen together, support one of the association’s projects corresponding to the values your company wishes to promote and create a new relationship with your clients or service users.


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Le micro-don, une solution pour votre entrepriseChose a micro-donation solution

Allow your clients or service users to support the ArkéoTopia project of your choice using a micro-donation made during their purchases.

Compatible with all payment systems, by rounding up the purchase amount, your clients or service users can easily and efficiently participate in social issues supported by ArkéoTopia and promoted by your company – in social actions, culture, education, science, or the environment.

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Transform customer perks into donations

Don NuageTagsOffer perks to your customers or service users, and turn them into donations! Authorize your contacts to participate in the challenges of tomorrow by proposing that they transform their perks into donations.

Let’s meet to discuss the perks you’d like to offer and how to transform them into donations, simply and efficiently, while supporting one of the association’s projects which you’d like to promote.

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Crowdfunding: develop a project together

Participating in a crowdfunding project is a great experience.

It implies that everyone participates – in the preparation, realization, and valorization, but with excellent results! Offer your clients or service users the chance to participate in the experience throughout the year and reinforce company spirit as well as your branding.

ArkéoTopia has already completed two crowdfunding campaigns. One of which was a great success which led to the partial financing of the Adventure Project in partnership with the Dartagnan platform (in french only).

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Promote my brand differently

The above examples aren’t quite what you’re looking for… let’s talk!

ArkéoTopia is open to discussion and a partnership is – above all – a project that requires all of the participants to find their respective place.

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Invest in the future

ImpactArcheo Tag

Our projects interest you, but you just wish to help by giving a little push to ArkéoTopia?

Click on the button below and see how you can support the world of tomorrow:

Besides archaeological research, ArkéoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology is also a state of mind. The association is involved in everyday life – for today and for tomorrow – with projects that:

  • assure a binding role  between professionals and the general public by contributing to the widest possible distribution and popularization of scientific works so that everyone, at every age, can take ownership of them in order to help themselves grow as individuals,
  • help students and young researchers to escape the isolation in which they may find themselves, often left without adequate structure, and thus ensure a social role in easing their insertion into the workforce,
  • construct an intergenerational link where the past is not rehashed or suffered, but used in order to facilitate living together,
  • allow professionals and amateurs who wish to work for the reconstruction of their country or their social group to  find an audience and an expert evaluation of their project, where archaeology is more than ever one of the tools for rebuilding dignity,
  • facilitate the emergence of new technologies stemming from the knowledge of our elders for the cultural and natural challenges of tomorrow,
  • support the efforts of public and private organizations concerning research, exchange and diffusion of archaeological works in order to contribute to the growth of a constant critical reflection on our collective past in order to prepare the future and construct a new view of the Other.

Financially supporting ArkéoTopia contributes to the emergence of an organization complimentary to existing organizations, one which is innovative in its approach to helping prepare the world of tomorrow.

If you don’t have the available budget, but you have human or other resources, contact us in order to share our common interests.

Together, let’s make the past a present for everyone’s future.

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ArkéoTopia and the business world

ArkéoTopia, an alternative approach to archeology seeks to bring a new perspective to today’s archeology in order to help existing organizations prepare for tomorrow. This is why we are attached to our operational liberty. We don’t accept sponsoring, or direct publicity, but we are open to joint actions with companies which support the humanist values of the association, are committed to respecting the Other, to the protection of cultural patrimony, educational development, science education, the development of scientific research, and to the awareness of sustainable development.

To learn more about ArkéoTopia, find the articles dedicated to it in our notoriety page and our association news page of which here are the latest:

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If you would like to contact us, write us using our contact form.

If you are unable to view the videos, follow the links for,
la capsule L’Histoire, un enjeu pour l’avenir and Les 5 piliers d’ArkéoTopia in french for the moment