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by | Nov 9, 2020 | Resources according to your profile

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Resources and content for your research

Working with ArkeoTopia

We work regularly with members and organizations related to archaeological research. In particular, we maintain close collaboration with the Department of Natural History for Prehistoric Man (UMR 7194) at the Musée de l’Homme in Paris, and Team 4 of the Archaeology and Archaeometry laboratory (UMR 5138 – french only) in Lyon.

Our research activities and programs depend on our members and the relationships established. This is why we are currently working on:

Mission Aventure - la prospection pédestre
Programma WikiTopia Archives, en savoir plus sur les débuts de l'archéologie
  • the Adventure Project – underwater and land prospection for the shipwreck of the Adventure in New Caledonia (19th century)
  • the WikiTopia Archives program – digitization and analysis of letters from 19th century scholars in order to further knowledge of early work on Celtic and Gallo-Roman archaeology (19th century)
  • a program of land prospection in the Yvelines – a micro-territorial approach to the development of Gallo-Roman agricultural areas (1st century BC)
  • participation in epistemological studies in archaeology

If you would like to work with us on one of our research programs suggest a publication, read about our work below and contact us using our form:

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If you want to meet us, discover our next actions in the agenda and news of the association.

Meetings for European Archaeology, MEA

Logo officiel des Rencontres autour de l'Archéologie EuropéenneIf you wish to organize a meeting on your specialty or relating to social issues involving archaeology (the teaching of science, the fight against looting of antiquities, the organization of citizen participation in research, etc.), join us and we can organize this event together.

Our last meetings and their reports:

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As a member of the European Association of Archaeologists which has a seat at the Council of Europe, we take part each year in the EAA Annual Meeting This is a good opportunity to present the fruit of our reflection and work at a European and even international level.

Defending archaeological research

Défendre la recherche archéologiqueDefending scientific research in archaeology means contributing to a better protection of our heritage, to a healthy and lasting relationship between the various actors of research (professionals, volunteers, citizens, politicians), and to improved knowledge and practices specific to archaeological research. This is why ArkeoTopia has already intervened twice with Afnor for the French norm X50-553 on “Management of research activities” and for the European norm CEN / TC 346 on the “Conservation of cultural property”

Find out about our latest actions and articles on the subject:

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If this topic interests you, join us so that you, too, can help in the defense of archaeological research without laboratory or business bias.

ArkeoTopia supports research

Like any scientific discipline, archaeology requires financial and human investment often exceeding that officially attributed. By helping with both simple and complex tasks, we can all help advance scientific research in archaeology. So ArkeoTopia another path for archaeology, contributes, to the extent of its capabilities, to the research effort, following the principle that it is small streams that make for large rivers.

Mise en relation entre un archéologue et des conservateurs au musée de CoulommiersSince its creation in May 2007, ArkeoTopia has contributed to supporting and promoting research by carrying out diverse tasks :

  • analyzing material
  • publishing scientific articles online
  • proofreading articles
  • image digitizing and editing
  • connecting professionals
  • finding partners or funding for research work
  • presenting its work in scientific or scientific culture events with ArkeoTopia participation
  • communication aid
  • programme Artefacts, un exemple de soutien à la recherche archéologiqueenrichment of knowledge bases
  • microfinance
  • logistical assistance such as the provision of people or materials
  • advice on setting up research tasks

Find out about our latest actions and articles on the subject:

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Research News

Discover our resources (book reviews, research news, interviews with people involved in research) on our social networks and on our website:

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Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our LinkedIn page to be kept informed of actions in science and society, major discoveries and institutional news of archaeological research in France and around the world.

In need of a bibliography for your students or those around you? Take a look at our critical bibliography.

You can also follow the association’s members on the ArkeoTopia Academia area and follow the association’s news on our YouTube channel.

ArkeoTopia and archaeological research

Programme WikiTopia Archives, numérisation et analyse de lettres du 19e siècleArkeoTopia, another path for archaeology, aims to take another look at today’s archaeology to help existing organizations prepare for that of tomorrow. This is why we attach great importance to career guidance and training of young people as well as to supporting their first steps as archaeologists while not neglecting fundamental research itself.

To find out more about ArkeoTopia, discover articles about it in our press and association life section:

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If you wish to contact us, write to us via our form.