Meetings around European Archeology 2013

by | Jul 28, 2021 | MEA

Professionals, students and volunteers in the fields of archeology and art history are invited to the Meetings around European Archeology (MEA), on Saturday December 7, 2013 at 2:30pm, at the Maison des Associations of the 7th district in Paris, whose theme will be: Archeology, a Mutating Discipline.

Archeology, a Mutating Discipline

Abstracts of EAA Annual Meetings 2013 at Pilsen


Since 2010, ArkeoTopia [1] has participated in the annual congress of the European Association of Archeologists [2]. Following the last meeting, held from September 4 to 8, 2013 in Pilsen (Czech Republic), we wanted to share with you – French professionals, students and volunteers who could not attend the conference – the potential benefits of an event gathering professionals, students and volunteers in archeology/art history not only from all over Europe but also from all around the world (Australia, United-States, China, Japan, Russia).

Meetings around European Archeology (MEA) are also an occasion to share discoveries and tips to widen one’s network and an opportunity to view the current state of research in the fields of archeology and art history outside of France, while taking into account its impact in France for the foreseeable future.

Welcome to the EAA Annual Meetings 2013 in PilsenMeetings around European Archeology are free upon registration. Please notify us of your attendance in order for us to prepare the room and don’t hesitate to let us know if you would like to participate by sharing information related to the event’s program.

button Registering


Program for December 7, 2013 from 2.30pm to 5.30pm

  • 2.30pm – Opening of the event Meetings around European Archeology (MEA)
  • 2.45pm – Presentation of ArkeoTopia and the European Association of Archeologists
  • 3pm – Discussions about the program of the European Association of Archeologists and similar events across Europe
  • 4.30pm – Presentation of ArkeoTopia’s scholarship for archeology and art history students
  • 5pm – Open discussions between participants
  • 5.30pm – Closing Of the event and transmission of the next dates for the next Meetings around European Archeology events


Picto physically handicappedMaison des Associations du 7eme
Entry via 4 rue Amélie 75007 Paris
01 53 59 44 90 –

M° La Tour-Maubourg (Metro Line 8)
Parking – Vinci Park
In front of 23, Rue de Constantine – 75007 Paris

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1. ArkeoTopia, une autre voie pour l’archéologie® has the goal of taking a new look at today’s archeology to better support existing organizations and prepare tomorrow’s archeology. ArkéoTopia positions itself as a complementary tool to current research by welcoming and supporting French and International archeology professionals, students and volunteers and by defending and making popular archeological research towards the general public. The organization’s five pillars are: popularization, teaching, research support and defense of archeological research. If you want to know more about ArkeoTopia®, have a look at our presentation and do not hesitate to contact us via our form.

2. The European Association of Archeologists has been created in 1994. The association’s objective is to welcome European professionals in archeology in order to promote the development of archaeological research and share archaeological information, to promote the management and interpretation of the European archaeological heritage, the proper ethical and scientific standards for archaeological work and the cooperation with other organizations with similar goals.