Through his contribution to the roundtable Studying Archaeology in Europe during the EAA meeting on September 17th, 2011 in Oslo, ArkéoTopia® does a calling to this european programme.
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Studying Archaeology in Europe project will work through a partnership of 12 organisations from 10 European nations. This partnership recognises that cooperation within a single transnational project, will benefit a larger group of potential students, many of whom are not well-informed about transnational opportunities. The project will achieve its aims by gathering and sharing information on :
the organisation and content of archaeological studies in the partner countries
the mobility opportunities for students to work or study in other countries
the identification of opportunities for voluntary work
the provision of information, advice and guidance on how best to find employment after studying
This information will be come public through a dedicated website. A central feature of this website will be that its information can be enhanced and expanded by the project partners in the future and by future participants from other countries at a later date.
To enhance the nature of support available to exchange students, the project will also create a peer-support network for students. It will achieve this through the creation of a student-led and internet-based, social networking site through which contacts and advice can be sought and maintained. This resource will be owned by the student partner organisations.
The initial ideas for this project were developed by Austrian, British German, and Slovene postgraduate students. The benefits will be shared between partner organisations (and linked universities) in a total of ten countries (Austria, Belgium, United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Germany, Macedonia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden). Participation by student organisations from other countries will be actively encouraged, during the course of the project.
High school students, students and post-doctorants,
Help us to enhance your studies conditions by responding to the questionnaire
To know more on questionnaire goals, see “Archaeology students can help their peers study abroad”
You are student in archaeology/art history, you are professor, you are an administrative in the education topic or in european relation, you are a researcher, you are nothing of that but you are interesting in archaeology, join the team and participate to the programme Studying archaeology in Europe. Have a look to Participation bénévole – Aider les étudiants en archéologie or contact us at to know more.
To know more on the advatages of student mobility, see Documentation Française and especially the paper called « Les enjeux de la mobilité étudiante ».