Treasures of the Pharaohs: Discovering Goldsmithery

by | Aug 20, 2021 | ArkaeoKids

ArkeoTopia offers children the possibility to play the role of an archeologist through an amusing discovery of goldsmithery and experimentation with

In the time of the Pharaohs
Discover Egyptian Goldsmithery

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  The funeral mask of Tutankhamun, a magnificent work of goldsmithery

The funeral mask of Tutankhamun,
a magnificent work of goldsmithery.

The result of the craftsman's work

When an apprentice goldsmith
crafts a bracelet…

The work of an archaeologist as scientist consist in measuring time and observing

As a scientist, an archaeologist studies
all the steps of the production process.

© Gransard-Desmond – ArkeoTopia, 2013

In the time of the Pharaohs
Discovering what is philology

Introduction to the workshop

Where does Egypt stand in time and space? What were the techniques employed in the crafting of the funeral mask of pharaoh Tutankhamun(around 1323 BC)? What were the tools used by Egyptian goldsmiths during Antiquity? What is the difference between the work of a craftsman and that of a scientist?

These are some of the questions that children will explore through fun and easy games that will spur them to summon their little gray cells to discover the approach an archaeological researcher must adopt.

In order to fully grasp the particular aspects of this technique and learn to trace its pattern, the children will create a piece of work on a subject of their choice or from ready-made Egyptian models, specifically designed for them. Depending on their age and the time dedicated to this discovery, other activities will emerge from this workshop.

The Skills Implemented
during this Workshop

  • Knowledge
    • Build or refresh already acquired knowledge on ancient Egyptian civilisation
    • Learn the goldsmithing technique called repoussé also called chasing or embossing
    • Understand the difference between science and craftsmanship
  • Know-how (Methods)
    • Practice being perceptive
    • Use a timer in experimentation
    • Produce a piece of work using the technique of repoussé called also chasing or embossing
    • Be able to team-up with a partner and obtain a result
    • Present one’s own conclusions in front of a group
  • Soft skills (Behaviors)
    • Accept the partner with its rich qualities, but also with its limits
    • Follow instructions, being committed, respecting others’ hypotheses

For more information on ArkeoTopia, discover our association and do not hesitate to write to us.