You talk about us

by | Aug 22, 2009 | Notoriety

Beneficiaries, members or individuals, it is still you who speak best about the actions of ArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology. Back to the opinions, reviews and anecdotes that make the arkeotopian community live with this section: “Here’s what you’re saying about ArkeoTopia“.

Isabelle, opinion of the family tour organiser of the ArkaeOdyssey Under the Cobblestones of the City posted on 12 January 2019:
“We have been very pleased with this tour and the ArkeoTopia guide’s commentaries. Everybody has been really glad to share this moment. Then the quick meal at the cafeteria. A great morning, very successful.”

Caroline from the blog for her 8 years old sweetheart on 26 September 2018 about My Archaeology Book 8-14
“This is really very interesting, in particular for the young and curious. It really becomes a time of sharing, and not just a solo reading. We have begun doing it, and the game and the story mix perfectly well. It is not about just glossing over the topic. The author really goes into detail and enables readers both young and old to enter the magical world of archaeology.

Valdias (47 years old), opinion on My Archaeology Book 5-8 years old posted on 23 november 2018 on the Editions Tautem site.
“A wonderful concept! Despite being more than 8 years old, I’ve learnt lots of things. To sum up, an exercise book for everyone.”
Read others reviews about Mon cahier d’archéologie 5-8 ans on Amazon

Agnès Spycket, opinion of an archaeologist and art historian on the novel Panic in the Castle (Panique au château) posted on 4 April 2020:
“I enjoyed this book a lot, it’s a change from the news that the daily newspapers deliver. This smart Augustin is really a charming friend and I look forward to discover more adventures soon.” Read others reviews about Panique au château on Amazon

Bernard (60 years old), opinion on the novel Panic in the Castle (Panique au château) posted on 22 january 2018 on the EditionsTautem site
“I’ve just read “Panique au château.” It’s lively, the style is light. A sharp child will become inclined to ask themselves questions, good ones of course.”
Read others reviews about Panique au château on Amazon

Sandrine from blog, opinion on My archaeology book 5-8 years old posted on 17 June 2017
Extract: “Through the activities which are proposed, your child dives into an enthralling world. With their archaeology book, your child will be aware of the amount of work (and passion) accomplished by a whole team of specialists to enable them to admire the prehistoric bifaces, the cave paintings of Lascaux, Greek amphoras … Not to mention Egyptian pyramids!
The only flaw: the stickers placed in the middle of the exercise book are a bit “sad” for my taste… But it takes nothing away from the quality of this informative and playful book! I recommend it from the beginning of primary school. My 9 year old daughter adopted it as soon as she discovered it in my office.”

Bonne Pioche, French Association of Archaeology Students from the University Lumière Lyon 2 about our critical bibliography
“For a wider documentation and more bibliographic references, refer to the bibliographic page of the ArkeoTopia association website.”