From plan to volume: a proposal for a methodology in computer science applied to archaeology

by | Feb 14, 2017 | Publication

To develop the methodology in archeology, Prof. Margueron conducted an analysis crossing the work of architects and archaeologists. With computer knowledge of Dr. Gransard-Desmond and his intervention at the Red House at Mari site (Syria), a communication resulted from this « From plan to volume: the need for archaeological analysis in 3D modeling » at the Journées d’Informatique et Archéologie de Paris (JIAP) 2010.

The ancient city of Mari in Syria, a restitution resulting from the intersection of architectural and archaeological sources

The ancient city of Mari in Syria, a restitution resulting from the intersection of architectural and archaeological sources
© Bresch N. (drawing) and Margueron J.-Cl. (analysis)

Before 3D modelling, the volume rendering of the remains of monuments was given in two dimensions thanks to drawing. The problem of analyzing the archaeological documentation already arose with important consequences for the result, especially when only foundations were found.

Instead of a well-reasoned reconstruction, the document consisted of an elevation projection of the plan drawn up by the excavator, the superstructure being only a figment of the imagination. Since then, the use of computers has not changed the situation at all: the final document has no scientific value and the superstructure is always a product of the imagination.

Still, it can be obtained scientifically, whatever the remains are,thanks to the convergence of multiple clues from architectural as well as archaeological clues pointing in the same direction and towards the same conclusion..

Theory in archaeology, Informatics Applied to Archaeology, Ancient Near East (Archaeology), 3D modelling cultural heritage, 3D Modelling (Architecture), Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics), earth architecture, epistemology

To quote the article: Margueron J.-Cl. and Gransard-Desmond J.-O., « From plan to volume: the need for archaeological analysis in 3D modeling », in: Giligny F., Costa L., Djindjian F., Ciezar P. et Desachy B. (éd.), Actes des 2èmes Journées d’Informatique et Archéologie de Paris – JIAP 2010, Archeologia e Calcolatori supplemento 3, 2012, p. 397-410.
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