Solidarity between associations in Paris 7th
Ten associations met in the House of Associations (MdA) in Paris 7th, on Tuesday November 20, 2007 for the Week of the International solidarity.
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Ten associations met in the House of Associations (MdA) in Paris 7th, on Tuesday November 20, 2007 for the Week of the International solidarity.
Following a 2011 survey of research figures, AFNOR launched the Commission for standardisation AFNOR X580 "Management of research activities" to which ArkéoTopia®, an alternative approach to archaeology came forward to represent the interests of archaeology and social sciences.
On Wednesday 7th January 2015, France is plunged into mourning by a dramatic event. A group of fanatics massacred Charlie Hebdo’s editing team as a way to avenge the Prophet Mahomet’s honour. A wave of support unfurled in the name of freedom, promoted by artists and journalists from the entire world.
The organization Libraries without borders (LWB), with whom ArkeoTopia maintains relations through exchanges between its ArkeoSources service and BSF's Exchange Library Project, has launched a communication campaign entitled Choose Your Weapon to alert the public to the importance of books in the transmission of knowledge and the values of peace and democracy.