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Participate in the creation of a European Standard for cultural heritage

Participate in the creation of a European Standard for cultural heritage

In 2019, the European working group CEN/TC 346/WG 14 “Monitoring of archaeological deposits” joined the standardization commission “Conservation of cultural heritage” (CNCBC) created in 2004. Public and private professionals as well as archaeological research volunteers are all concerned by the future standard about managing archaeological deposits. That’s why ArkéoTopia, another way for archeology® joined the European working group in December.

Une séance WikiTopia Party Archives rue de Cléry / CC BY 4.0 Gallic Beauchef
WikiTopia Archives by ArkeoTopia

WikiTopia Archives by ArkeoTopia

The WikiTopia Archives program launched in March 2018 by the association ArkéoTopia®, an alternative approach to archaeology, aims to encourage the digitization of archival documents belonging to private individuals in order to ensure their free and public distribution as well as the study of these documents via Open source tools.

Organigramme d'une meilleure pratique de recherche pour l'archéologie française
Ethics and Archaeology – Case Studies

Ethics and Archaeology – Case Studies

Organization chart of a better research practice for French archaeologyThe archaeological community is currently facing many ethical issues in its daily practice. The Archaeo-Ethics Symposium of 25-26 May 2018 provides an overview of this difficult subject. During the symposium, the constraints of contexts of intervention (armed conflicts, dictatorships, funeral archaeology), economic constraints (archaeological regulations and competition) as well as social constraints (between archaeologists and indigenous or local populations, as well as between professional and amateur archaeologists) were brought up. Among the discussions, the seminar “Professionals, Volunteers, Amateurs and Citizens: Research Actors for What Contributions?” proposes to revisit the contributions of non-professionals in order to consider solutions conducive to a redesign of relations between professional and non-professional actors. Objective: to improve heritage preservation while achieving quality results.

Fouilles sur le forum romain en Italie
What is really archaeology for?

What is really archaeology for?

How many times have we heard the following comments “Archeology is fascinating, but I think it is more useful to donate money for a healthcare or an NGO working in a developing country”. Of course, this choice seems obvious as archeology is still so much associated with dreams and a pleasant pastime with absolutely no consequences in our daily life. It is time to change this vision and to consent that archeology has got consequences in our daily life for more than two centuries now. Discover how archeology get a strong social impact in our daily lives and how it changes our understanding of the Stranger.

Portrait de Joseph Fidèle Eugène du Bouzet
The Aventure, a shipwreck that still talks

The Aventure, a shipwreck that still talks

Although the coasts of New Caledonia have always been the scene of countless shipwrecks, that is unknown shipwrecks brought to the attention of ArkéoTopia, another way for archaeology by one of its members which led to the refloating of the Aventure in terms of research. The first official excavation of the Corvette in 1975 by ship's lieutenant, Patrick Banuls, and the documents which came from it, led ArkéoTopia to collaborate with Fortunes de Mer Calédonniennes (Nouméa) on a new excavation of the wreck in July 2018. Before the results and the reports of the excavation comparing the 1975 and 2018 operations are published, we will go through a little bit of history: on one hand, the journey of Eugène du Bouzet, captain of the Aventure at the time of the shipwreck in 1855 and that of the French Navy corvette, against the backdrop of the geo-political context of the time, and on the other hand, the adventure of the first mission in 1975.