For enthusiasts

by | Nov 9, 2020 | Resources according to your profile

Resources and contents to fuel your passion

The page at a glance

  1. ArkeoTopia and archaeological research
  2. ArkeoTopia resources
  3. Teach yourself archaeology
  4. Archaeological trips
  5. Work with ArkeoTopia
  6. Meetings on the subject of European archaeology (MEA)
  7. Support archaeological research
  8. ArkeoTopia supports research
  9. For further information about ArkeoTopia

ArkeoTopia and archaeological research

WikiTopia Archives program, numerisation and 19e century letters analysisArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archeology is intended to take a fresh look at today’s archaeology in order to better help today’s organizations prepare for tomorrow . That is why we believe that the participation of non-professionals (everyday citizens, curious persons, enthusiasts, politicians, financers, students, amateurl or volunteer archaeologists) is as important as the involvement of professionals. We work towards the upholding and the development of links between professional and non-professional archaeological research actors in order to contribute to ensure a strong defence against looting and a springboard for new discoveries.

ArkeoTopia supports research together with you

As a scientific subject, archaeology requires financial and human resources which often exceed those currently available. By helping with both simple and difficult tasks, we can contribute to further scientific research in the field of archaeology. Thus, to the best of its abilities, ArkeoTopia, an alternative approach to archaeology takes part in the research effort, considering that great oaks grow from little acorns.

Does this project interest you? Join us and participate in the support of archaeological research or contribute by making a donation to the projects supporting heritage and science.

PayPal button

Helping relation between an archaeologist and museum curator of Coulommiers museumSince the creation of the association in May 2007, has been contributing to supporting and promoting research by carrying out tasks such as :

  • Material analysis
  • online publication of scientific articles
  • article revision
  • image digitization or modification
  • Facilitating contacts between professionals
  • Seeking partnerships and fund-raising for research works
  • Presentation of works during scientific or scientific culture events in which ArkeoTopia is involved
  • Facilitating communication
  • Enriching the knowledge base
    Artefacts program, an example of archaeological research support

Find out about our latest actions and articles on the subject:

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ArkeoTopia resources

Anyone curious, amateur or volunteer archaeologists, discover our resources (book reviews, research news, interviews with research actors, exhibitions, etc.) on our social network including our YouTube channel and on our website:

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Take a look at our critical bibliography aimed at students and enthusiasts.

Additionally, in choosing to join the association, you will have access to our ArkaeoSources, a multimedia library related to archaeology with books for adults and children, articles, audio documents, videos, and websites.

Teach yourself archaeology

ArkaeoCenter logoWith our ArkaeoCenter, lessons, you can discover Archaeology, Iconology or Art History and Drawing or improve your knowledge in these fields. Our lessons are based on learner-based teaching methods. Based on the principle that “only what has been tested is adopted”, the teaching alternates between theory and practice depending on the learner’s needs with their active participation.

Discover our latest lesson:

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Archaeological trips

Visit cobblestone place in Paris with ArkeoTopiaArkeoTopia offers guided tours of Paris, in France, and abroad with the ArkaeoOdyssey which will take you through the road less travelled to discover sites offering a wealth of history and stories. Some of our ArkaeOdyssey can be specially planned for a group upon request. We can also provide virtual tours. We have significant experience in organising virtual meetings with commentaries, pictures, videos, interpreting and interactive exchanges. Some of our museum ArkaeOdyssey can be seen through a virtual visit. Discover our ArkaeOdyssey:

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We also provide other services upon request such as conferences, concerts, and board game meetings.

You can also gain insight insight to our past popularisation works with:

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A chance to meet us and speak about your expectations? Discover our next actions in the agenda and the last activities of the association.

CNRS logo
UMR logo
Archéologie et Archéométrie, UMR logo

Work with ArkeoTopia

We regularly work with archaeological research actors. In particular, we have a close collaboration with the National History of the Prehistoric Man Department (UMR 7194) of the Museum of Man in Paris and the Équipe 4 of the Archaeology and Archaeometry laboratory (UMR 5138 – french only) of Lyon.

Our activities and research programs depend on our members and the relations built. This is why we currently work on:

  • The Aventure Project – underwater and land prospection for the shipwreck of the Adventure in New Caledonia (19th century)
  • WikiTopia Archives program – digitization and analysis of 19th century scholars’ letters in order to contribute to the understanding of the first Celtic and Gallo-Roman archaeological work (19th century)
    • Land-based research program in Yvelines – a micro-territorial approach to Gallon-Roman agricultural spaces planning (1 century BC)
  • Participation in the epistemology work on archaeology
Mission Aventure - pedestrian survey
Program WikiTopia Archives, to know more about archaeology origins in France

If you would like to work with us, join the association and participate in its research programs.

You can also propose a publication or contact us using our form.

See our latest research work published:

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Would like to meet us? Discover our next actions in the agenda and the current activities of the association.

Meetings on the subject of European archaeology (MEA)

Official logo of Meetings around European archaeologyWould you like to arrange a meeting on our speciality or social issues related to archaeology (science education, the fight against looting of antiquities, organisation of a civic participation in research, etc)? Join us and help us put on this event.

Our latest meetings and reports:

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Member of the European Association of Archaeologists which has a seat on the Council of Europe, we take part, each year, in the EAA Annual Meeting which is a chance to bring the reflections and work to a European, or even international, level.

Support archaeological research

Defend and support archaeology tagSupporting scientific archaeological research, means contributing to better heritage protection, to healthy and sustainable relationships between research actors (professionals, volunteers, citizens, politicians), to the evolution of knowledge and to specific archaeological research practices.

See Our latest actions and articles on this subject:

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Are you interested in this section? Join us by participating in the support for archaeological research without laboratory or trade union interference or contribute by making a financial donation to the support actions in favor of heritage and science

PayPal button

For further information about ArkeoTopia

To follow the association’s news, feel free to subscribe to our LinkedIn profile and to join the ArkeoTopia space on Academia in order to enjoy our member posts.

For further information about ArkeoTopia, you can find articles on the association in our notoriety section and ou association’s current affairs section the latest articles of which are available here:

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And to have a reminder of the association while supporting it, discover our goodies:

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If you would like to contact us, please write to us by using our form.